Truth and Song - The Bible's Way is the BEST Way

When we are at a fork in the road, we don’t have the vantage point to see what is up ahead.  But God does.  This is why He has given us such clear instruction on how to live our lives.  The Bible’s way is the best way in both faith AND practice.  The Bible is so very full of theological doctrine; the depravity of  man, eternal security, prophecy, the kindgom of heaven and dispensations.  But it is more than just a guide for theology, it actually shows you every day things like how to get along, how to forgive, what laws to obey, and many other Life Lessons that apply to how we live our life.

My husband and I talk about how when we were getting to know each other our first “argument” was about divorce and remarriage according to the Scriptures. (This is how I knew he was the man for me.)  It took us several months to sort out our “ideas” and then as iron sharpened iron, we were forced to really look and see what the Bible actually said.  We eventually came to agreement as we submitted our own pre-conceptions to the Scripture.

This passion toward what the Bible says about our every day life was my focus during my studies in Biblical Counseling.  I invested 6 years studying every precept I could ingest about the practical doctrines (teachings) in the Bible.  That shows you how much God has to say about how we live our lives. But as you teach your children (or anyone for that matter) the practice of the Bible, I find it helpful to teach them the WHY of the Bible.  Because, truth be told, The Bible’s Way is the BEST Way and sometimes it is very obvious.

Let’s look at just some of the practical topics found in the Bible.

  • Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
  • Good Financial Stewardship
  • The Order of Authority in the Home
  • The Roles of Genders in the Home
  • Purity and God’s View of Fornication and Adultery
  • Modesty
  • Obedience to the Law of the Land
  • Prayer and Respect for Governmental Authority
  • Drinking
  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Communicating Difficult Topics with Grace
  • Spanking Your Children

Take note: these are not things that have to do with salvation.  But these are still legitimate teachings / doctrines of the Bible.  And they greatly effect our lives and the lives of those around us. Now, take a look at these different practical topics as listed above and think of how the world operates.  

Married people divorce, shack up with people that could be a danger to their children.  Single mom’s have to hire out day-care to people who do not have the nurture or admonition of the Lord.  Adultery is rampant.  Dad’s are now stay-at-home dad’s and are featured on TIDE commercials.  Modesty is ultra-un-fashionable.  Drinking, dancing and sex are part of the pre-teen and teen’s every day life.  How is it all turning out?  For the better? Are people happier?  No!  

In fact suicide is growing and deaths due to alcohol in the middle aged sector are becoming dominant.  Sin doesn’t bring peace.  Living for happiness doesn’t bring happiness.  “Eat, drink and be merry” just breeds self-centered drunkards and gluttons who leave their children to be raised by “the village” or their smart phone.

But to make themselves feel better they silence anyone who tries to tell them differently. They think the reason they aren’t happy in their sin is because “people are trying to make me feel guilty.  If only people would stop making me feel guilty then I could be happy being the real me.”

Sad to say, these people just need the Bible.  They feel guilty because they are guilty.  They feel sad because they are doing horrible things.  They keep intoxicating themselves because it is the only way they can dull the voices in their head.  The world needs salvation.



What does this have to do with teaching your children something?  It has everything to do with it.  Just as real science validates creation, real life validates Biblical precepts and principles. The Bible says, “By their fruits you shall know them.” (Matt. 7:16)  Teach your children to observe things around them and then to discern why they happened.



We help out in the bus ministry at our church and I was just getting to know some of the kids there.  I was asking them how many brothers and sisters they have?  Do they share a room?  Do they live with their parents?  Things like that. I think one child actually lived with both parents.  Here is one that really stays with me. One girl said, “I live with my mom and my dad and my cousins and my mom’s friend and her kids.  My mom and her friend sleep in the same room and my dad sleeps with the kids in their room.”  I wanted to take that child home.  I wanted to cry.  I pray for their safety.

I don’t take it for granted that I grew up in a home where no adult slept in my room.  Where strangers did not live with us as a way of life.  Where other people’s children did not share a room with me.  But we all know the stories of step-dads, “friends” of the family, cousins, uncles, and baby-sitters who prey on children in these types of situations.

I know that children can get hurt by people in traditional settings, but the statistics speak for themselves.  Children in a single parent household are more likely to be abused.  You should read this article.  It shows exactly why The Bible’s Way is the BEST Way.  Read it with your children as age is appropriate and teach them this truth.

18 Shocking Children and Divorce Statistics



I have seen marriages where the man is very “It’s my way or the highway.” in his way of “leading.” I have seen marriages where the man just gives in to his overbearing wife because it was easier than dealing with her … well … just her.  I have also seen marriages where people truly practiced Eph. 5:21 and my-oh-my what a difference.

When I was in college I was given a practical application of the word “submission.”  This lady said it was the attitude of “Sure!  Why not!” Wow!  What a difference that would make in communications.

Early in our marriage, I was far more passionate and outspoken when I disagreed with my husband, and thankfully, he is calm and strong and taught me that “We aren’t going to have a conversation if you can’t speak normally.”  At this point, my husband and I have very few differences in philosophy, but where we do we both tread carefully when the topics need to be approached.  The reason is because we both love each other and we both want peace.

We laughed the other day and said that sometimes it is like we are placing dog-ears on a bill going through the congress when we are trying to figure out how to work through those touchy situations.

As a rule, you hear things like, “Well, that makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable if we do it that way.” or “I hope you can understand my viewpoint that I would be more inclined to agree if we ….” Followed by, “Do you think it would work better if we?”

Do you see what is going on?  It is two people who care about the other person.  Each esteeming the other better than themselves, but not wanting to compromise their own beliefs.  So, we listen.  We talk.  We honestly try to find a way to make it work for both parties involved.  Albeit, my husband has the final say in all matters (1 Pet. 3:1) and it is also then my responsibility to trust God (1 Pet. 3:5) and resume my “Sure, why not!” attitude. 

When adults have the Biblical spirit in communications children see that people can disagree and still get along and that they restore unity by submitting to God’s way.  They see Eph. 5:21 in action.  Then they see that husband does try and love his wife as himself. (Eph 5:33) and that the wife speaks to her husband with the respect / reverence due his position. (Eph 5:33). What a stark contrast to this.  I literally cried at this video, because ultimately … it is always children who pay the price when God’s way isn’t practiced.


I really could go on endlessly about what God says about how we live our lives … because while other’s around us might not care how “righteous” we are.  God still does.  And our relationship with Him is the absolute most important thing in the world.  But back to this topic, I want to give one last thing.


If there is one very obvious “evil tree” that is evident by its fruit, it is drinking.  I am so very passionate about people not drinking alcohol.  It truly is so damaging.  Someone might feel that they are the exception to the rule, but we will reap what we sow.  Really, I believe any inebriate that dulls the mind gives the devil room to destroy lives.  

It is our mind that protects us from demonic influence by remembering and exercising good doctrine. (1 Tim. 1-6, Mark 5:15)

It is our mind that God commands that we renew daily through the word. (Rom. 12:2)

We are to love the Lord with all our mind. (Mark 12:30)

But it is pretty easy to show your children why God’s Way is the Best Way in regards to not drinking.  

  1. Please read my article on the topic.  It gives all the Scriptural reasons why not to drink as well as some statistical information as well.
  2. Take your children to your local Rescue Mission and have them hear the stories of the men and women ruined by alcohol.
  3. Teach them that people who aren’t Christians are aware of the danger of alcohol.  –

Again, it is one of those things where truth supports the Bible.  

The Bible isn’t true because of statistics.  Statistics just mirror Biblical truth.


The more we show our children that the Bible cares how we live because God cares about us, the less likely they are to view God as an ogre and the Bible as old fashioned and search for something more “relevant.”  The Bible is endlessly relevant.  We just need to take the time to teach our children the truth: The Bible’s Way is the BEST Way.    

Did you miss the other Life Lessons in this series?  

Check them out and share them with your friends.

Find them here: 26 Life Lessons
