Working Through Anxiety - Truth and SongI haven’t always struggled with anxiety, but in the past few years I have had to regularly function through it.  I wanted to share what steps I have found successful for me while working through anxiety.

I do have my Master’s Degree in Biblical Counseling.  That training was helpful and I found myself flipping through old textbooks when I started struggling with anxiety in my own life.  One verse that stuck out from college days was Proverbs 3:25.  


When you have re-occuring anxiety, sometimes you fear the anxiety itself because it can often become debilitating or rob you of your personality.  But God was clear that we did not have to be afraid of sudden fear.  He can help us through it.


When anxiety comes encroaching upon your spirit, you need to realize that it is a spiritual thing.  Therefore, we as Christians need to make sure we are using our armour. (Eph. 6:11-18)

When I found myself anxious, my go-to verse was 2 Timothy 1:7.

To be honest, this verse was perplexing to me at first.  But God brought me through some faith trying lessons this past year and let me share what I learned about this verse during this time.

1. God will pinpoint a problem.  An evil spirit will give a pervasive fog of feelings.

Have you ever seen the picture where your anxiety is talking to you?

My anxiety – Somethings wrong?

Me – What’s wrong?

My anxiety – I don’t know.  Somethings just not right.

Me – Could you be more specific?

My anxiety – Something’s wrong.

… or another good one

My anxiety – This is too much!

Me – What is?

My anxiety – All of this!

Me – I am literally doing nothing.

My anxiety – TOO MUCH!

Trust me on this.  If you can not pinpoint a reason for your anxiety, and you are a Christian; I would pretty much guarantee you that this is a spiritual oppression.  God hath not given us a spirit of fear.  That pervasive spirit is demonistic.  Don’t be shocked that devils are trying to debilitate you mentally.  Discouragement and fear is something that has taken down many Christians.  Demons are good at what they do and they have been doing it for ages.

So what do you do?  

Take out that Sword of the Spirit and follow the directions found in James 4:7.

2.  Submit yourself to the Lord

Years ago an evangelist said that you need to imagine your heart as a home with a front door and a back door.  (This is just an illustration; not doctrine).  When you are standing in your own strength it is as if you are alone in your heart.  Satan regularly comes knocking at your front door with temptations, fears, self will, desires, discouragements, pride, etc.  We find ourselves being worn out by his continual knocking and often we cave to temptations of the heart.

But simultaneously, God is knocking on the back door seeking full control of your life.  He wants to come in and have you set your affections on things above.  He wants you to delight yourself in Him.  He wants you to bear the fruit of the spirit.  But sometimes we would rather have what we want instead.  Sometimes we just don’t want to trust His will may be better than our own.

Until we submit our own desires in faith and trust that His will is best (even if we don’t get what we think we want or need); He is still at the back door knocking.

But imagine if you go to the back door and say, “Lord, I am sorry.  I honestly did not want to exercise my faith and submit to Your word and Your will and Your desires for my life.  I give up.  Lord, give me whatever you think is best and please help me to have peace in the midst.”  At that point you welcome God in to fill your heart.

Then imagine you hear that knocking at the front door and say to God, “Can you please take care of that for me?”  As God goes to open the front door Satan see’s the Lord of your heart and trembling he flees the scene.

My friend, before oppression will ever leave us we must make sure we are completely submitted in every area to the Lord.  You may be deceiving yourself about certain areas of rebellion.  Pray and ask God to try you and prove you and reveal any areas of rebellion or resistance.  Then don’t be shocked if someone comes to “talk to you as a friend” or if you enter some serious battles.  This is the most important step.  Follow through.

3.  Resist the devil.

Once you have submitted yourself to the Lord it is much easier to resist the devil.  But I would verbally acknowledge your surrender and submission out loud or in a prayer journal or to a trusted friend.  Demon’s can’t hear your thoughts, but they will recognize the signs of resistance and flee your doorstep.


Sometimes you can pinpoint a problem.  This is when the other parts of 2 Timothy 1:7 come into play.

 1.  Power

You need to acknowledge that you can make it through the next 10 minutes or the next hour or the rest of the day.  (Phil. 4:13)  You will not die.  Let me say it again.  You will not die.  You will still be here tomorrow.  Therefore, this will pass.  God has given us tools in the meantime.

… but what if I start crying.

… but what if I start hyperventilating.

… but what if I can’t speak.

… but what if I say something stupid.

… but what if they don’t like me.

… but what if I disappoint those I love.

… but what if they make fun of me later on.

… but what if I fail again.

This is typical social anxiety.  God has given us the tools to work through it.  We have that power within us from Christ.  Grab that shield of faith and repeat, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” and go to the next step.

2. Love

You need to accept that not everyone will love you.  Some people will make fun of you.  Some people will be disappointed in you.  Some people will lie about you.  Some people will gossip about you.  Some people will look at you oddly  if you start crying or hyperventilating.  But most people won’t.  Most people have their own issues and are generally compassionate.  But that can’t matter to you.  

It can’t matter to you if they do like you and it can’t matter to you if they don’t like you.

When you are in the midst of a trial of anxiety you need to go to the rock that is higher than yourself.  You need to hide yourself in the cleft of the rock.  You need to go to that mental haven of rest.  You need to focus on the moment and let your soul get alone with God.  That is where you will find that gift of love that never fails.  He will see the blood.  He will see your submission.  He will see HIS CHILD hurting and afraid and his mercy is everlasting.  His compassions they fail not.  He will walk you through your fear with a sound mind.  Claim that love.  Claim His gift to you.  Use your mind and use the Bible.  That is the next step.  You are not crazy.  Use your mind.

3.  A sound mind

Your mind is your greatest tool against anxiety (as you utilize the armour of God).

Have you had this conversation with yourself?

Me – What is wrong with me?

My anxiety – You should give up!

Me – Am I ever going to get over this?

My anxiety – Why do you keep trying?

Me – I am such a disappointment.  I am a burden to those I love.

My anxiety – Why do you even keep living?

Try this instead.

Me – God.  What is it I am really afraid of?

God – (Specific situation)

Me – Well, how do I deal with that fear?

God – Is it a rational fear?  Could it actually happen?

If the answer is “No”  Then try this.  If the answer is “Yes” then skip ahead.


If it is not going to happen, then you must acknowledge that it won’t happen.  Make the conscious choice.

For instance,

“I am safe here.  My abuser can’t hurt me.  I know this reminds me of when I was abused, but there is no abuser here.  I am safe.  I am not a bad person.  I am accepted in Christ.  It is okay that I feel sad.  But I am safe.  God be with me while I experience these feelings and let me empty myself of these overwhelming emotions.”

“My child is safe.  There is no real danger.  I can enjoy my time with them.  God is in control.  I am not a bad mom.  We are okay.  There is no danger.  I will not allow my joy to be given away due to something that is not happening right now.  Lord, help me to surrender tomorrow and accept this moment with my family.”

Whatever the situation; acknowledge that your fear is not rational.  It is okay that you are feeling.  Bad things may have happened to you.  Maybe it was a child’s death.  Maybe it was being rejected by an old love.  Maybe it was divorce.  Maybe it was rejection by your peers.  Your current situation may be bringing up old feelings and that is okay.  But there is nothing to fear RIGHT NOW.  Use that sound mind of yours and just pray and empty your heart upon the broad shoulders of God.  He will accept you and will not degrade you for your weakness. (Psalm 62:8)  

You just need to keep in mind that once you are out of that situation that is bringing back pain that you will have made it through once again.  Experience brings hope. (Romans 5:3-5)

“YES!  YES!  There is a legitimate reason to be afraid.”

I feel myself tearing up right now.  Legitimate fear is awful.  Because whatever we face will probably bring pain.

Maybe you are in the ministry and you know you will be attacked sooner or later by someone over a decision that is to be made.

Maybe you are in a marriage and your spouse is verbally aggressive and you know it is “about to happen again.”

Maybe your spouse has a dangerous job and he has just gone out on another shift.

Maybe you are a Christian who is verbally or socially persecuted at work.

Maybe you have to take a stand for what you believe is right but none of your friends or family support you in your decision.

Maybe your spouse is in the public eye and they are constantly attacked for their opinions or decisions.

Maybe you are in a marriage where you had a cheating spouse and they are going out of town for their job again.

Maybe your parent abandoned you and they are trying to re-establish a relationship with you again and making promises.

These are the real deal.  I think I will address these later, because I think the post is very long as is and I want to give this topic due justice.

In the meantime, I hope what I have shared is helpful.  It has been for me.  Regardless, I know that God will help you through your trial as well in a way just right for you.

With love,

Melissa Schworer