When push comes to shove and you follow all of the logical arguments about where life truly began, the final question comes down to this: “From where did the instructions found in DNA originate? It is too improbable and sequential to happen without an intelligent force behind it.” It is a question we should all explore and evidence we need to weigh individually.

That is what this episode covers.  For a more in-depth look into the topic, head to the podcast or video links above.


  1. There are three components to the origins of life: matter, energy and information.
  2. It can be stated w/o fear of correction that Darwin’s theory of natural selection did not address the question of how life could have originated from non-living matter.  It assumes that the very bottom of his “tree of life” there was already a living protoplasmin to build upon.
  3. In the 1920’s with the progress of microbiology and the complexity of one singe cell, the study of “Chemical Evolution” began to answer the question “How could life have evolved from simple chemicals through a purely natural process?”
  4. Dean Kenyon wrote a theory “Biochemical Predestination” which he later redacted when challenged with the question “How was the first protein ever assembled w/o help of genetic instructions?”
  5. There are 20 amino acids assembled into 30,000 distinct protein molecules that make up the 42 million protein molecules required for one simple cell.  It is statistically improbable that these could have happened without instructions.  DNA are those instructions.
  6. Design is recognized by two factors: 
    1. Something is so complex that there is a very small probability it could have happened naturally.
    2. A specification of order that can independently be recognized as a pattern. (For example, letters into a language.)
  7. We can conclude that DNA’s instructions to assemble the amino acids into the proteins that form the simple cell meet the prerequisites for being identified as “designed.”
  8. Pause to examine that we send out similar sequential numbers into space to find if there is any intelligent life in our universe.  
  9. We don’t stop to recognize that some higher intelligence being sent us a sequential code that we just recently were able to decipher, and yet rather than trying to seek that intelligent force, we deny it’s existence.
  10. The question isn’t IF there are FACTS that point to intelligent life outside our galaxy in our universe.  The problem lies in our willingness to discern a truth that might have some religious implications.

My question to you is: If there is intelligent life out there, and you can see their secret messages hidden in DNA and their placing our Earth in the “just right location” to look out and find them, AND we have an ancient piece of literature chronicling the history of mankind that is verified by outside sources (such as archeology, literary proofs & geological evidence) … what is keeping you from believing?

As always, thanks for being here and thank you for being my friend.