The Goldilocks Planet is one of my favorite topics when it comes to facts that support the Bible.  It is labeled that because so many things are “just right” like the story of Goldilocks when the bed and porridge were “just right.”  If even one tiny element of earth’s position changed, it could not support life, let alone intelligent life.  (We’ll talk about intelligent life in the next episode).

But more importantly, if earth was to have evolved over millions of years, than all of earth’s unique features would have had to happen simultaneously in order for it to exist.  This goes back to the fact that no evolutionist truly believes in chance, but rather “nature’s intelligence” or “natural selection” as they like to call it.  The FACTS are that something intelligent, whether God or Mother Nature 😉 put everything just right for earth to be what she is today.

That is what I am discussing in today’s episode.  For a more in-depth look into the topic, head to the podcast or video links above.


  1. A water world. (Prov 8:26-30, Jeremiah 5:22)  The earth is neither too hot nor too cold to keep the water from evaporating or freezing.
  2. A precisely tuned amount of water. – Not too much to cover the mountains and not so little that it’s a dry desert.
  3. A “just right” location in the solar system. – This causes us to stay just where we are rather than being swept up in the spiral arms.  In addition, we are farther from the deadly affects of the supernovae explosions.
  4. A friendly moon. – Our moon is considered impossibly huge, so huge that evolutionists cannot explain it’s existence.  The moons size pulls the ocean’s tides, stabilizes our planet’s rotation and keeps us in a 24 hour rotational cycle that keeps us from being thrown out into space at 500 miles per hour.  It gives us a “just right” amount of day and night to support a life sustaining temperature.
  5. A thin atmosphere from it’s “just right” size. – If it was much smaller, it wouldn’t be able to hold on to our precious atmosphere, but much larger and it might be a gas giant too hot for life.
  6. A metal core. – God describes this metal core as “a compass upon the face of the depth”, but this magnetic field produces the Van’Allen radiation shield which protects the Earth from radiation bombardment.  If the shield were not present, life would not be possible upon the Earth.
  7. Plate tectonics that regulate the water temperature and water that lubricates the plate tectonics.
  8. Our exact axis tilt that sustains our 4 seasons.
  9. An unusually circular orbit (Isaiah 40:22 says the earth is a circle … which wasn’t “discovered” until 500 – 350 B.C. by Greek philosophers) – which maintains a stable climate year round.
  10. The protective greenhouse effect of our gasses that absorb and retain heat and block UV rays from the sun.