Talking about the facts that support a global flood is key to understanding the science of the Bible.  If there is no evidence of a global flood, than the Bible could easily be disproven.  If there is evidence of a global food than it confirms another layer of the Bible’s historical records.

There are six major evidences for the Genesis flood.  They can also be found found in “The Pocket Guide to The Global Flood” by Answers in Genesis.

These six points are what I am discussing in today’s episode.  For a more in-depth look into the topic, head to the podcast or video links above.


1. Fossils of sea creatures found high above sea level and with plants and land creatures.

2. Rapid burial of plants and animals. – This is manifested in animals being frozen in a fossil while giving birth, others while eating, others gasping for air and other soft vertebrates retaining their shape. 

3.  Huge layers (like 10,000 cubic miles) of sediment deposited by massive water currents within days.

4. Those same sediment deposits contained rock elements transported from long distances (like from northern Canada to Arizona) … from water currents flowing from the northeast to the southwest.

5.  Lack of erosion between dried sediment layers … which would be impossible if the layers were formed over millions of years.

6. Many layers of rocks formed in a folded 90 degree angle while still wet and pliable before final hardening.  Normally rocks that are bent show signs of breaking because they crack when they are dry and under pressure, but these layers of rock have no cracks or breakage as they fold upward.  This could only have been done by extreme force and wet sediment layers being deposited quickly … and then drying under pressure.