You know what? Creation isn’t 100% supported in the strictest sense by The First Law of Thermodynamics. So, does this mean that the Bible isn’t supported by facts?

That is what I am discussing in today’s episode.  For a more in-depth look into the topic, head to the podcast or video links above.


Defining a “fact” – If we take every science book and every fact and destroy them all, in a thousand years they would all be back because all of the same tests would produce the same results.

Laws of Science are facts.

  • The First Law of Thermodynamics is “Conservation of Energy” meaning “Energy can change forms, but it is neither created nor destroyed.”

This contradicts both evolutionist theory and creationism in that if nothing can come from nothing, from where did life begin and who designed the designer?  Unless the designer exists outside of the laws of time and energy.

  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics is “Entropy” meaning “In an isolated system, things deteriorate or get worse, not better.”

This fact supports the Biblical narrative of a sin cursed earth and man being here to maintain and use it.

This fact opposed the evolutionistic theory that nature selected and accumulated exactly what it knew it would need to progress.

  • Lee Strobel, a once avoid atheist turned Bible believer after trying to prove the Bible wrong, says, To continue in atheism, I’d need to believe: nothing produces life, non-life produces life, randomness produces fine-tuning, chaos produces information, unconsciousness produces consciousness and non-reason produces reason.  I just didn’t have that much faith.