Sometimes life can come at you fast and you wonder “Did I miss something?  Is there a roadmap on how to do life well and I didn’t get it?”  While we know the Bible is the manual for our life, sometimes the specifics in the day-to-day can become overwhelming.  So, today, I share my top seven tips for “How to do life well!”


  1. Look beyond the house, husband, car, children and day job.  These are things we acquire over time and they can be enjoyable, but they are not “life” and they won’t satisfy.
  2. Life is made up of 3 things.  Make sure you have all three and balance them well.  
    1. Life maintenance and stewardship (The hamster wheel of life.  Get up, work, survive, go to bed, repeat).
    2. Making an eternal difference in the lives of others.
    3. Things you enjoy outside of work and ministry.
  3. Some people do well dreaming big, making plans and following through.  Other people do well when they work within a structure someone else has created and faithfully show up.  Other people are dreamers and thrive having a rotation of projects, creations and new things to go after.  Don’t waste time trying to be someone else, but don’t refuse to grow and evolve either.

Times of Overwhelm or Despair

  1. The battle of the mind.  Things to keep focused on.
    1. Thanksgiving and Phil 4:8
    2. Pleasing God as a living sacrifice
    3. Praying for others
    4. Walking with God in prayer from the moment you wake until you sleep.
    5. Stop seeking fulfillment or satisfaction in the next thing … or at all.
  2. The battle of mental and physical health.
    1. Chronic health problems can become all consuming.  Health is worth taking the time to steward, but must not become the point of your existence.
    2. If you are stuck in a rotation of hospital visits, make an eternal difference in the lives of those around you.
  3. While you have breath within you, God still has a purpose for your life. Don’t quit.
    1. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established.
    2. Satan wearies the saints.  Don’t trust your own thoughts, heart or understanding.
  4. Being “busy” is different than having a full life.  Rest is a biblical principle.
    1. Our value is not based on our productivity.
    2. Laziness is just as bad as hustle culture.
    3. A season of life is just that.  Don’t think that it will always be this way and end up quitting in discouragement or exhaustion.

For an in-depth look and discussion of each of these points, how they look in the practical day-to-day and how you can personally implement them, listen to the podcast or watch the video on Youtube or Instagram.