Welcome back after a full summer.  

Today I am sharing why I am now offering a podcast option, what this season will hold and a little more about why I do this and how I try to minister to you.

Why a podcast?

After getting your feedback, it was a 50/50 split of who preferred a podcast format and who preferred a video format.  Then there were some who said their time was limited and they preferred reels that gave the outline and main points that answered each topic.

Therefore, I am adding a podcast option for those who prefer that and the synopsis and outlined points of the answers to this blog/ podcast page for those of you that are short on time or who might want a printable format.

What is different this year?

I am switching to a seasonal format with 2 podcasts / videos a month to allow for more scheduled breaks.  The videos that I have been making will now have an audio only option via the podcast on Spotify and hopefully Apple later this year.

What is the same?

The videos that I have already been making are being made just like they always were.  I am still taking your bible or counseling questions from my @amazinglydeepthoughts Instagram page.  Also, I am still focusing on a bible believer’s perspective of life’s issues, discipleship, mental & hormonal health.

For those who are new, what is my background?

I am a conservative, KJV, dispensational Biblical counselor.  My focus is on women’s health, marriage & family and young women starting out into independence.

I have written two books for young women.  A 6 month devotional focusing on “Knowing Why You Believe What You Believe,” and “Faith and Finance: Peace with or without Prosperity.”

What inspired Amazingly Deep Thoughts in the first place?

God honestly just kept opening doors and prodding me not to bury my spiritual gifts in the sand.  I honestly believe that I would be held accountable at the judgment seat if I didn’t at least put forth an effort to become visible as a musician and Biblical counselor for the conservative, KJV crowd.  I want to be faithful and please Him.

What is my area of expertise?

Combing through people’s stories and history to untangle problems and find the root causes of their difficulties.  Then I help them put together an attainable scenario of how to face their situation biblically and heal.

What is my passion?

Creating, helping the hurting & being an encourager.

What topics am I planning on covering this season?

In addition to your questions, I intend to start with some fundamental apologetics like “Is the Bible factually supported and how?” “What’s the difference between facts and truth?” and issues of discernment to wage war against the seducing spirits of this age.

Where can I watch / listen?

Listen on Anchor FM / Spotify

Watch on Youtube