![Are You A Thriver or Survivor – Truth and Song](https://truthandsong.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Blog-Thriver-Survivor.jpg)
Take this quick quiz to see if you are a Thriver or a Survivor. It’s true that some people really have to overcome a lot. I would never want to lessen their struggle, and I applaud those who take on the marathon of life even with the special challenges into which they were born.
Even if you were born into a world with special challenges, you can thrive. God has a purpose for your life, and the more unique you are the brighter your light can shine. As you utilize those special challenges, seeking God’s wisdom and direction, you can be an encouragement to so many who come after you.
But maybe your life has no great physical or mental impairment, and yet you find yourself fighting for every inch you take in life. This quick evaluation can help you see if you have the “Thriver” mindset or the mindset of the “Survivor.”
You might be a “Thriver” not a “Survivor” if you: “CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THE LIGHTED PATH”
Proverbs 19:20, 21 ” Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.
Isn’t it true that before you go on a walk when you can’t see what is ahead, you should get a light? In fact, it would be kind of foolish to set out on a drive in the dark without turning on your headlights. A “Thriver” understands this and seeks godly counsel before making a decision. God knows the “latter end” of our life and He wants us to be wise in our choices.
I think about some really big decisions that would change the total direction of our lives: who to date, who to marry, whether to go to college, choose a trade, or be an entrepreneur. As you get older other big decisions include: divorce, debt, large purchases, having children, how to educate your child, changing churches and moving.
God has very specific things to say about these topics and God has a larger purpose for our lives. He has a good, acceptable and perfect will for our lives. He knows the very best way to live your life. A “Thriver” trusts that God’s way is the best way and seeks out what that is rather than following the devices of his own heart.
You may be a “Thriver” not a “Survivor” if you: “STOP DIGGING HOLES TO FALL IN TO”
Proverbs 26: 27 “Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.”
You know the phrase, “You make your own bed to lie in.” Many “Survivors” are nothing more than people who keep making decisions and then having to live with them. I give them credit though; rather than giving up, they crawl up out of the pit and try to move forward. But “Survivors” often find themselves creating a self fulfilling identity. They have to be a “Survivor” because they keep digging holes for themselves, falling in and then having to muster up the strength to get out. Keep getting up. The just man doesn’t quit. BUT …
A “Thriver” may look like they have an easier life with less struggles, and in reality that may be true. The “Thriver” is able to make great gains and “thrive” because rather than crawling out of holes, they are walking forward on a lighted path. They have done their due diligence by patiently seeking God’s will and God’s word in decisions as is before mentioned. You are two steps ahead as a “Thriver” as you humbly lean upon God’s wisdom and not your own understanding.
The “Thriver” knows that it is wasted effort to have to crawl out of a hole and so they learn how to not dig them. (See point #1)
You might be a “Thriver” not a “Survivor” if you: “OWN YOUR MISTAKES”
Galatians 6:7-9, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
You may be in a spot where you say, “Wow! I totally dated the wrong guy and now I have messed up.” Okay. So now you have to dig yourself out of a hole. But that doesn’t mean that once you get out of the hole you can’t become a “Thriver.” The worst thing you can do for your mistakes is blame the boy.
The Survivor says,”Well, if he hadn’t asked me to do that; I wouldn’t have given in. I am not going to trust men. They are only interested in their own desires.”
The Thriver says, “If I had fleed from temptation and abstained from the appearance of evil, I wouldn’t have been alone with the boy. It is because of my choices that I am here. Next time I will do it God’s way.”
You may have gone into debt to go to college and now you don’t make enough to pay your student loan without sacrificing something else really important.
The Survivor says, “Those banks and institutions are corrupt. They are just out to make money. They don’t deserve to be paid. If it wasn’t for their crazy interest rates, I would be fine. I am just going to default on the loan.”
The Thriver says, “I should not have gone into unsecured debt in the first place,” (Prov. 22:26-27) “and God says a wicked man borrows and pays not again” (Psalm 37:21) and so I am going to be like the ant (Prov. 6:6-8) and get myself out of this snare.”
When you own your own mistakes, you are less likely to make the next one. But if you keep blaming others and burning bridges; you will find yourself with not much more to show for it than burnt bridges and a jagged heart.
The best hope it to do it God’s way every time and trust Him with the results.
You might be a “Thriver” not a “Survivor” if you: “FOCUS ON GOD, NOT SELF”
Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
The “Survivor” is so focused on surviving that they become entirely self-centered. They are willing to get put themselves before anyone once they get into that mentality of “I need to dig myself out of this hole” even if they knock other people down to get there. This is part of that “burning bridges” mentality I mentioned in the previous point.
Because the “Survivor” trusts their own instincts first and foremost, they must therefore preserve themselves. This is the self-fulfilling identity of the “Survivor’s” life pattern.
The “Thriver” on the other hand trusts God entirely with their life’s destiny. They understand that their ministry, their happiness, their desires are entirely dependent on the mercies of the Lord.
I was reading in my devotions the other day in Psalm 103:11,17, 18 about God’s great mercy upon our lives, but it was contingent upon our fearing and obeying Him. The “Thriver” knows that God is a shield in their battles. He is a lighthouse in the storm. He is a father when we need correction. He is a friend when we need a listening ear. He is a Savior when we need forgiveness. He is a hedge in our path. A “Thriver” knows they can trust God with everything and that His way will be indeed the only reason they “Thrive.”
In my blog series on “How To Be A Friend To God” I lay some foundational points on this relationship and how you can get yourself to turn into a “Thriver” if you have found yourself on the “Survivor” part of this quiz.
Things don’t have to keep repeating the same destructive cycle. Get to know God and why You can trust Him, and more importantly, what His Word has to say about it all. I know “Survivors” tend to think they know what God has to say, but I would challenge you to prove it. Use that fighting instinct to find Scripture to prove to yourself what God has to say about your life. Then be His friend. He will never leave you, nor forsake you.
Keep On Keepin On.
With love,
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