One time I was annoyed at my husband about every thing he was doing; like everything.  He was driving me nuts.  Read along and as I talk about “How To Be A Friend To God” I will share how that problem with my husband opened my eyes to how I needed to do something special in my relationship with God.

It really was odd, because my husband really is a wonderful guy, but the way he chewed bothered me.  The way he breathed while he was resting bothered me.  His hobbies bothered me.  Pretty much I was just keeping silent on the outside and fuming on the inside.  How could this man that I had married be so annoying?  I had this entire list of things that I wanted to vent to him about, but I was so annoyed at him that I could not even bring myself to talk to him calmly without sounding like a condescending nag.  So, for my own reputation as a “good wife” I told him that I needed “to talk” to him and I prayed that I could find some way to figure out my problem.

What I did know is this:

If everything about someone is bothering me, its not them … its me.

I knew there had to be an underlying cause to all this frustration.  

And so about 10 years ago I sat down with him around 8:00 at night and sat with him in silence for about 45 minutes until I felt prepared enough to explain to him in a very calm manner the biggest things on my list.  He listened.  Then I explained to him some other things.  He listened.  Then I shared how I felt we were too busy and I wanted to tell him about my plans and dreams and I went on and on and he started sharing his thoughts and cares and then his dreams too.  

I kid you not, we stayed up until 2 in the morning talking about writing books and plot lines and marketing and by the time we went to bed I thought he was the best husband in the world and I could not remember why I was so annoyed in the first place.

What does this have to do with “How To Be A Friend To God?”

This is the only point I have in this bite sized blog.


I know we hear that being “always in prayer” means praying while we are doing chores, or while we are doing school work, or while we are driving to games, and that is true, but relationships need undivided attention too.  

When was the last time you went out with a friend to just hang out and chat?  When was the last time you had a heart to heart with someone you loved? 

You know how parents need to be available for their children to hear them?  How we need to put down our phones / tablets and close our computers and turn to them and listen and engage about their cares. Well, our relationship with the Lord needs that as well.

When we spend quality, uninterrupted time talking to the Lord, He becomes more than just “Jesus Who died on the cross for our sins.”  He becomes more than Someone Who gave us guidelines for how to live our lives.  He becomes more than a genie in a bottle for our wants and wishes.  He becomes more than a last resort when we can’t fix something and we need a miracle.

In fact, when we spend quality, uninterrupted time talking with the Lord, it actually becomes less about us.  We become something to Him.  We become the one who is sitting down because “He wants to talk.”  He wants that quiet time alone with you.  His voice is still and small and while the distractions don’t stop Him from hearing you, but they often distract us from hearing Him.

No relationship will thrive as people who just sit next to each other, or who just play near each other, or who just drive to places with each other.  Relationships and friendships grow when we spend time talking to each other and listening to each other.

You Can Be A Friend To God by spending undistracted time with Him in prayer and pouring out your heart to Him and searching His Word for answers.

He longs for you to love Him with all your heart, your mind, your soul and your strength.  Give Him your attention as you would any friend.

Have a great day.

Keep on Keepin On.
