I love the quote, “A friend gives you their umbrella in the rain.” Most of us know that God is that kind of Friend to us, and I have always been a little bit jealous of Abraham who God called His friend. But this week, let me share with you some things I do to be a friend to God.
Join me in this series on “How To Be A Friend To God.”
#1. God actually expresses His hearts desire.
I don’t know about you, but before I buy Christmas gifts or any gift at all, I like to know what the person wants first. In fact, if they have a “wish list” it makes it even better. I want to know their “Oh man, if I could only have a …” kind of gift.
Did you know that God has a sort of “wish list”? He even says, “O, that there were …”.
But His wish might seem a little odd. He says, “Oh if there were such an heart in them that they would …”
- fear me, and
- keep my commandments always. (Deut. 5:9)
I have Deut. 5:29 on my wall as a reminder that God was actually crying out for something within Him.
It reminds me of Jesus and His breaking heart as he cried, “O Jerusalem, O Jersualem” in Matt. 23:37.
When I realized that God had something He really wanted, my heart was to please Him and give Him that in my life. I knew I could not change the whole world, but I could give Him me.
#2. You can give Him you, too.
I can do something!!! I can please Him! I can look at my day and say, “Today, I showed God I love Him.” If you have the same heart to show God your love for Him as I do (and since you are reading a post on “How To Be A Friend To God” I assume you do) I truly encourage you to go the second mile and do just that.
The Proverbs speak a lot about the fear of the Lord. I used to wonder, Why would God want me to be afraid of Him? God isn’t supposed to be scary. He’s supposed to be loving. Should I be afraid to come to Him in prayer? Should I be afraid that He is angry at me? What does that even mean?
Then I realized that when we are walking with God, we have no need to be afraid of Him. But He wants us to know that there are some real things to fear, like:
The judgement
The loss of His protection upon our life.
The loss of His fellowship in prayer.
The loss of a tender conscience.
The loss of a fruitful life.
The loss of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith and temperence.
The loss of a sound mind.
But Proverbs says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and apparently it is the first thing He desired in Deut. 5:29.
So, as a gift to God, take a moment and see His power and His awesome strength for both blessing or chastisement upon your life. How crazy that that would be the best way to start being a friend to someone, but every good friendship begins with respect, and no one deserves respect more than God.
Respect is a sense of being and an attitude, but let me show you what else you can do for Him.
#3. Figure our what God’s commands are for you?
First let me get this clear, this is not a checklist of “How To Be A Good Christian” it is “How To Be A Friend To God.” While I think the whole world would be a better place if everyone obeyed God’s commands, and I think that even when we don’t feel like it we should still do these things … I am trying to talk about something deeper here; obeying from your heart.
I am talking about you going on a scavenger hunt throughout the Bible and finding what God wants you to do … or not to do.
I know that God will open your eyes to His commands if He knows your heart is to follow Him.
I am not going to give you a list. I want you to open up your prayer journal or prayer list and put, “God show me Your commands, so that I may follow them and be a friend to you.” Then I want you to start in Galatians and work your way through 2 Thessalonians and write down everything you see that a Christian ought to do or ought not to do.”
So that is it my amazingly deep friends; this is the first step for “How To Be A Friend To God.”
If this was an encouragement to you and you know it will help a friend; please share it.
Keep On Keepin On.
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