I have been thinking about the word “Boldness” and how it is something I aspire to. Paul prayed for boldness. It is something that is necessary to be more than a passive witness for the gospel.
Then today, while I knew I would be writing about this word, I happened upon an unusually bold lady at our Community Recreation Center. I finished up swimming and headed into the sauna to get nice and toasty before heading into the frigid locker room and as soon as I opened the door I saw a rather petite woman pacing on the wooden benches singing … loudly … a familiar song of praise to Jesus.
Her name was Rosa, and she was a spectacle to be seen … and heard, but I felt the awkward and decided to start humming alto to her very bold soprano. We were sisters in Christ. I spied on the back of her hat the words “I Love Jesus.” I couldn’t help wonder if it was her old age that caused a drop in her self consciousness or if she purposefully surrendered her pride and just gave it all to Jesus.
It is not something I hope to soon forget. In fact, I pray that I can find a way to be more like Rosa.
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